Vampire the Masquerade 5e: Sympathy For the Devil Session 1 - Start Me Up

Episode 135 January 11, 2021 01:43:42
Vampire the Masquerade 5e: Sympathy For the Devil Session 1 - Start Me Up
Boogieman Buddies
Vampire the Masquerade 5e: Sympathy For the Devil Session 1 - Start Me Up

Jan 11 2021 | 01:43:42


Show Notes

When night falls, they wake up. They call themselves all sorts of fancy names: Kindred, the Apex Predator of the World, but they're most commonly known as vampires. We follow three such creatures, dead for a decade or more, in the city of Chicago where the Camarilla rule with an iron fist. They meet each other formally, have a talk with their leadership, and pull a mission with one of the most unsavory of their kind. Welcome to Vampire: The Masquerade - Sympathy For the Devil. CONTENT WARNING: We are playing Vampire: The Masquerade. VtM only half-romanticizes vampires, and a large portion of the game is about exploring just how much of a monster you're willing to become. Since this game deals with heavier issues than most games we tend to play on this podcast, I am issuing content warning for the following subjects: Blood, violence, body horror, abuse of all forms, issues of consent, torture Furthermore, this episode specifically features a villainous character making an abelist "joke". If you feel uncomfortable to listening to any of these subjects, please tread lightly, and we won't blame you for skipping this campaign if you do. Music Credits: Intro: Main Menu - Rik Schaffer Last Light: Santa Monica Theme - Rik Schaffer Elysium: Moldy Old World - Rik Schaffer The Drive Over: Downtown Theme - Rik Schaffer The Den: Dangerous Places - Rik Schaffer Combat: Generic Combat - Rik Schaffer Postfight: New York City Hub - Chris Collins, Greg Forsberg, Rob Ross Incoming Sunrise: Downtown Hub (Unused Alternate) - Rik Schaffer End of Session: Vesuvius - Rik Schaffer Outro: The Prince's Dream - Rik Schaffer

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