Latest Episodes

Trendsetters Issue 22 - Obnoxious Olympics
Megalad goes over what he learned from his victory over Grumbungus, but then something happens. #Trending is kidnapped by the cosmic-level power godlike being...

Trendsetters Issue 22 Bonus 0 - [Class Explanation - Doomed]
Here's the rundown on Namtab's new class, the Doomed.

Dishonored: The Drunken Whaler Killings Session 6 Bonus - Kill Count

Dishonored: The Drunken Whaler Killings Session 6 - Slice His Throat With a Rusty Cleaver
Escape! After being sold out at Coldridge, the players have to decide what to do about Timofey. However, several wrenches are thrown into play....

The Telltale Hunt: SoCal Session 58 - A Beautiful Bond
Grant develops a solution and officially takes on a pupil. Steiner mends a terrible wound and cashes in a debt. Roxanne learns an awful...

Trendsetters Issue 21 - Word Wallop
It's a small period of rest and relaxation for #Trending. Gary calls his dad while Robin gets some one-on-one time with the Silver Skeleton....