Latest Episodes

The Telltale Hunt Session 29 - Failed Negotiations
Jorgen talks to a woman. Amber tries to set a meeting up. Cooper ruins it all. The Gang just fucks everything up.

The Telltale Hunt: The SoCal Squad Supplemental Material 01 - The Shopping List
I hope you all appreciate the terrible curse I agreed to take upon myself to bring you this. COLIN NOTES: I sure as hell...

The Telltale Hunt: The SoCal Squad Session 3 - Field Trips
Steiner has some """awkward""" conversations. Roxanne makes a bet. Grant takes a detour. The squad parties with royalty and """parties""" with royalty. Music Credits:...

The Telltale Hunt Session 28 - Rockville
Cooper gives Chapo a gift. Amber enchants a book. Jorgen meets Tofu-Chan. The Gang basically stop trying to hide that monsters exist.

The Telltale Hunt: The SoCal Squad Session 2 - Sewer Scrap
Roxanne asks a pertinent question. Steiner performs an execution. Grant does a baller-ass move. The squad is adored by a difficult pet. Music Credits:...

The Telltale Hunt: The Salem Crew Session 6 - Stunklette
Anna makes a terrible intro. Ahab ignores some shitty teens. The Mask badgers the DHEA. The Crew goes to iHOP at last.