The Telltale Hunt: Baltimore 2021 Session 1 -Baltimore, Black Magic, and Break Ins

Episode 162 June 11, 2021 02:06:31
The Telltale Hunt: Baltimore 2021 Session 1 -Baltimore, Black Magic, and Break Ins
Boogieman Buddies
The Telltale Hunt: Baltimore 2021 Session 1 -Baltimore, Black Magic, and Break Ins

Jun 11 2021 | 02:06:31


Show Notes

Over a year and a half after Morgan Reynolds changed the world forever, some things about Baltimore never change. A hotspot for activies of the supernatural and paranormal. A simmering rage lurking just under the surface. Then, of course, there are the murders. We join Dawn Rhodes, Jeremiah Boscoe, and Johannes Simms as one particular murder catches their eye, leading them against a murderous monster, their secretive master, and the new Ravens alike. Music Credits: Intro: Main Menu - Jared Emerson-Johnson Crime Scene Investigation: Bigby's Place - Jared Emerson-Johnson The Search: Interrogation - Jared Emerson-Johnson Legwork: Crane's Business Office - Jared Emerson-Johnson Stalker: Behind You - Jared Emerson-Johnson End of Session: Credits - Jared Emerson-Johnson Outro: Happily Ever After - Jared Emerson-Johnson Furtive Meeting: Scared - Jared Emerson-Johnson

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