The Telltale Hunt: Baltimore 2021 Session 2 - The Blood Red Queen

Episode 164 June 25, 2021 02:14:46
The Telltale Hunt: Baltimore 2021 Session 2 - The Blood Red Queen
Boogieman Buddies
The Telltale Hunt: Baltimore 2021 Session 2 - The Blood Red Queen

Jun 25 2021 | 02:14:46


Show Notes

The Bookstore Bunch has everything they need to solve the mystery, now it just comes down to one thing: Summoning Bloody Mary and confirming everything. But things are never that simple, as the Ravens have gotten a tip that a certain someone is using illegal magic to summon the very monster that they know has been killing mages in town. Can everyone play nice long enough to make sure that Fairechild gets what he deserves, or will things go even worse than expected? Music Credits: Intro: Main Menu - Jared Emerson-Johnson Preparations: Alchemy Lab - Jared Emerson-Johnson The DHEA: Under Arrest - Jared Emerson-Johnson Bloody Mary: Scared - Jared Emerson-Johnson The Quiet Way In: Prince Lawrence's Home - Jared Emerson-Johnson The Loud Way Out: VS Jersey Devil - Jared Emerson-Johnson Denouement: Farewells - Jared Emerson-Johnson End of Session: Credits - Jared Emerson-Johnson Outro: Happily Ever After - Jared Emerson-Johnson

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