Trendsetters Issue 35 - Impressive Revenge

Episode 151 March 26, 2021 02:14:17
Trendsetters Issue 35 - Impressive Revenge
Boogieman Buddies
Trendsetters Issue 35 - Impressive Revenge

Mar 26 2021 | 02:14:17


Show Notes

A concentrated effort to expel Blueblade begins. With a course of action to get rid of the old sea dog set, #Trending starts the process of trying to appease him enough to get him to leave. But Switch and Sundog have a plan of their own. Will it work? Music Credits: Intro: Epic-hero-music - Mikhael Bureau Party Time: Generic Dance Song 3 - Steven Polley Party Time, The Next Step: Generic Dreams - Steven Polley So, It's Mutiny Then?!: Walk the Plank - Brandon Fiechter Supers' Slowdance: SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK, Instrumental - Joji Outsider Art: Footprint - Ed Harrison Cooling Off: Hepcram - Nujabes & Dionna Separatists: Backtrack to Guidance - El Huervo, Pelle Cahndlerby, Mikael Norrgard Team Time: Immorta's Theme - Hiroshi Yamaguchi End of Session: End Credits Suite - Christopher Young Outro: Evergreen - Two Steps From Hell

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