The Bookstore Bunch gets a surprise client who needs a job done under the official channels. Rhia Bowes, Director of the DHEA, hires them to hunt down a dangerous monster the previous iteration of the organization held and was let loose by Morgan Reynolds. A theif of faces, a terror who migrates via the leylines, and seemingly immortal. How are they going to handle such a dangerous and deadly foe?
Music Credits: Intro: Main Menu - Jared Emerson-Johnson
The DHEA: Under Arrest - Jared Emerson-Johnson
Legwork: Crane's Business Office - Jared Emerson-Johnson
Preparations: Alchemy Lab - Jared Emerson-Johnson
The Quiet Way In: Prince Lawrence's Home - Jared Emerson-Johnson
The Loud Way Out: VS Jersey Devil - Jared Emerson-Johnson
Denouement: Farewells - Jared Emerson-Johnson
End of Session: Credits - Jared Emerson-Johnson
Outro: Happily Ever After - Jared Emerson-Johnson
The barrier is broken. Megalad Prime arrives. #Trending starts the battle for the very fate of their universe. But at what cost? Music Credits:...
The year is 2018 and turmoil is once again about to hit Chicago. The Camarilla of the city threaten civil war against each other...
Jorgen gets a ride. Cooper gets possessed. Amber gets Popeye's. The Gang have a nice night on the beach.