The Telltale Hunt: SoCal Session 73 - No Prophylactic, No Restraint

Episode 148 March 05, 2021 03:03:28
The Telltale Hunt: SoCal Session 73 - No Prophylactic, No Restraint
Boogieman Buddies
The Telltale Hunt: SoCal Session 73 - No Prophylactic, No Restraint

Mar 05 2021 | 03:03:28


Show Notes

Steiner plays good cop, and also patient. Roxanne plays bad cop, and also good cop. Grant plays amateur surgeon, and even more amateur gymnast. The squad spends the better part of three hours figuring out how to acquire a child. Music Credits: Intro/Planning: Sense of Crisis - Taku Iwasaki Interviewing the Monster: charade - Taku Iwasaki Laying Down The Law: SomeQ - Taku Iwasaki Postfight: Explain Music - Taku Iwasaki Tranfser of Knowledge: In Your Mind - Yuki Kajiura Investigation: search for the solution - Yuki Kajiura Straight Creepin': ash wednesday - ALI PROJECT Tension: O magico - Taku Iwasaki Cooldown: 4242564 - Taku Iwasaki Political Negotiations: Hibiscus - Taku Iwasaki An Unhappy Reality: Scars of the Past - Yuki Kajiura End of Session: Labyrinth - Emancipator Outro: Mojave - Toundra

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