It's time to strike at the Sabbat! Johnathan, ever the noncombatant, elects to stay behind and watch over Luke, who seems to have caught the eye of the Fennec. Salem and Cor, however, go with Stank-Eye and the Anarchs to deal with the Sabbat, and join up with a new Kindred, a Gangrel named Basilus. What horrors await them as they go up against a fleshcrafter?
CONTENT WARNING: We are playing Vampire: The Masquerade. VtM only half-romanticizes vampires, and a large portion of the game is about exploring just how much of a monster you're willing to become. Since this game deals with heavier issues than most games we tend to play on this podcast, I am issuing content warning for the following subjects: Blood, violence, body horror, abuse of all forms, issues of consent, torture This episode in particular also depicts a vampire turning into a spider-like creature in the context of supernatural horror If you feel uncomfortable to listening to any of these subjects, please tread lightly, and we won't blame you for skipping this campaign if you do.
Music Credits: Intro: Main Menu - Rik Schaffer
Team Meeting: Mission Impossible - Rik Schaffer
Enemy Den: Dangerous Places - Rik Schaffer
Sabbat Combat: Dark Ages Boss 1 - Chris Collins, Greg Forsberg, Rob Ross
Postfight: New York City Hub - Chris Collins, Greg Forsberg, Rob Ross
The Fennec: Aiden Pearce (Main Theme) - Brian Reitzell
Incoming Sunrise: Downtown Hub (Unused Alternate) - Rik Schaffer
End of Session: Vesuvius - Rik Schaffer
Outro: The Prince's Dream - Rik Schaffer
It's time to start planning the hit on the Sabbat holdout. The Coterie calls a meeting of Chicago's Anarch movement and makes a deal...
Steiner negotiates and mediates. Roxanne commiserates and annihilates. Grant repatriates and inebriates. The squad partakes in some compainionship. Music Credits: Intro: Baralku - Emancipator...
Roxanne learns a secret. Grant gets bit. Steiner is persuasive. The squad gets a helper they very much don't want. Music Credits: Intro: Baralku...