The Telltale Hunt: The Socal Squad Session 8 - Setup for a Spectre

Episode 33 September 23, 2019 01:38:39
The Telltale Hunt: The Socal Squad Session 8 - Setup for a Spectre
Boogieman Buddies
The Telltale Hunt: The Socal Squad Session 8 - Setup for a Spectre

Sep 23 2019 | 01:38:39


Show Notes

Steiner meets with an old associate. Grant gets to see the armory. Roxanne scouts out a building. The squad prepares to fight a ghost. (DM Note: Ape had connection problems this episode, so if his voice suddenly gets super deep or super fast, that's why.) Music Credits: Planning: Moth - Taku Iwasaki Safehouse: espionage trap - Yuki Kajiura Investigation: tailing in darkness - Yuki Kajiura Steiner's Theme: None Shall Pass, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Asking for a Favor: Fumes, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Beloved Pet: tiny flower garden - Yuki Kajiura Prepwork: Irritated - Taku Iwasaki Roxanne's Theme: Catacomb Kids, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Grant's Theme: Fryerstarter, Instrumental - Aesop Rock Menfolk Theme: Bring Back Pluto, Instrumental - Aesop Rock We Fucked Up: Worried Girl - Chikayo Fukuda Outro: The Projector - April Rain

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